Your 40+ Training Gym in Columbia

We Change Lives

Lose Fat, Build Lean Muscle And Get Energized

Find Strength

Get physically and mentally strong so you can handle whatever comes your way.

Gain Confidence

Create a collection of small wins that build your confidence and improve your mindset.

Feel Amazing

Get the most out of your workout and the most out of your life.

You Deserve To Live The Life You Want.

You’ve been through a lot.

And your body is starting to feel the effects of putting your health and fitness on the back burner.

We believe that you can stop gaining weight, waking up tired and moving with pain.

You can train to live a better life.

Don't Let Your Mind Stop Your Body.

We understand. But you have what it takes.

We will help you find that strength, confidence and energy to get in the best shape of your life.

It's Not About Being Good At Exercise. It's About Living The Life You Want.

It’s about traveling without worry because you have the strength and energy to do anything you want. Being confident and comfortable in your own body. Seeking new adventures and living life to the fullest.

We have helped thousands of people change their lives.

We can help you too.

Get to know us in numbers

Lives Changed Since 1991
Raised For Charity
Calories Burned Per Year

If You're Nervous,
Don't Be.

We’re here to make sure you succeed.

You never feel lost, alone or confused about what to do or how to do it. Whether you train privately or in a group you always have a coach.

The hardest part is coming in.

What We Do

Health is more than a number on a scale.

We get to know you and your body so we can design a program customized for you.

We track body fat (to reduce risk factors) and lean muscle mass so you can stay strong and boost your metabolism.

We offer three levels of training – Signature Group, Semi-Private and 1-on-1 Personal Training to make sure you train in the way that is best for you.

We give you coaching, accountablity and motivation so you can start feeling the best you have in years.

Personal &
Semi-Private Training

Signature Group Training


Nutrition & Accountability Coaching

What our members think

Why People Trust Us

Passion and Commitment

Getting Started Is Easy

Meet Us

Pick a time to come in and talk about where you are and where you want to be.

Your Plan

We design a fitness and nutrition plan that's just right for you.

Live The Life
You Want

Start feeling your best as the work you do inside the gym begins to give you a better life outside the gym.

Don't Quit Your Daydream